Bloggy Beginnings: It's all in a [Monster] name... of a game...
Mauren is one of the sweetest little people I know...when she's a little person. Sometimes her dad chases her and her twin sister Zoe around the house. She screams that little-girl-high-pitched scream that you'd think would cause a flock of seagulls to come crashing down dead to the ground...but it doesn't. She runs the loop through the living room, dodging the coffee table, careens through the dining room, doe-si-does in the kitchen and springs forward, her arms fluttering up and down ballerina style as she runs. Then she stops... "Dada... Dad...Daddy...stop. How 'bout you be the Daddy Monster and I'll be your Little Baby Monster and we can chase Zoe together". He acquiesces. Monster Mash take 2 ensues...
Welcome to my blog! I am the Mommy Monster of twin pre-schoolers and a tiny baby girl monster. Although there is more that I choose to let define me, this is a family blog and will include the [mis]adventures of my partner in crime(the Ogre, Castle Guard, Daddy Monster and all purpose testosterone provider), myself and our progeny! Hope you enjoy...muah ha ha ha ha ha ha...